Women: Master Multipliers

Urban Setting

Most brands and industries have become increasingly aware of the need to create messaging and marketing strategies that specifically speak to women. So just how powerful is the female consumer?

I’ve been captivated by the spotlight on Emma Watson and her humbly moving (even if a bit nervous sounding) speeches about gender equality. Yet her nervousness is not due to an inexperience of being in the public eye, nor is it out of youth or naivety. Rather, it’s driven by her passion to bring a powerful gender equality campaign to the forefront and use her influence to elevate awareness and participation. I’m thrilled to see an unexpected, young ambassador speaking for this cause.

A recent article brought me some more excitement about the new perception of the female that is surfacing. Bridget Brennan of Forbes wrote about the top 10 things to know regarding women consumers. Number 2 on her list is my favorite and states, “Women have a multiplier effect.” We hold multiple roles, which take us into vast, varied and far-reaching market segments that could be converted into loyal customers. We have a voice and know how to transport a message far and wide – and will gladly do so for the causes in which we believe.

Gentlemen, we are not trying to bulldoze you. Your voice is a valued component of healthy professional and personal interactions, information discovery and societal progress. We want to join our voices for good, to effect positive and sustainable change for generations to come. I’m grateful to live in a time when women are being heard and to witness the positive response that is unfolding.