What Not to Wear on Market Square

Summer brings out our creative nature. Gone are the dark, heavy clothes of winter and here to stay are the bright, fun fashions of summer. And summer has definitely arrived! I know this because of the apparel choices that have recently emerged on Market Square.

I am far from a fashionista and have no right to cast any stones; however, I have noticed a few things that I am going to avoid myself. Here is my first top 10 list for what not to wear this summer:

10) Short skirts if I cannot keep my knees together while sitting down.

9) Oversized hats or head-gear that causes you lose your balance. (Yes, I saw this more than once!)

8) Anything that accentuates a muffin-top.

7) Tank tops with arm holes that are too big, showing too much skin.

6) Matching outfit with my sweetheart.

5) A t-shirt that is too short to cover my beer belly leaving not much to wonder about.

4) Oversized glam rhinestone earrings with my short shorts, flip-flops and t-shirt.

3) Pants forming a camel toe…..Really?!

2) Heeled platform shoes that cause my gait to look like I am a seven-year-old boy pretending to be a cowboy.

1) A white Elvis suite that is way too tight and way too thin.

Have fun picking your digs!

FletcherPR is a national communications firm that specializes in reaching women through the power of media. Headquartered in Knoxville, TN, we are a full-service agency providing strategic public relations, social media and marketing communications services to our clients throughout the U.S.