Three Tips for Marketing to Women Online

Women log more time online than men and make or influence 85% of all U.S. purchasing decisions (Yankelovich Monitor). Reaching women most effectively online not only requires an emphasis on visual design but also functionality and engagement.

Women like to make informed decisions and will take the time to do research. Remember the old cliché ‘women are willing to stop and ask for directions.’ Now, they do this online. Whether it is research on changing from a long-used trusted brand, to making long-term purchases or looking for that just right item that completes a project – for their home or family, a charity, their wardrobe or their community.

We want to give you 3 simple online tips for your website to market to women:
– Design that is aesthetic and intuitive; keeps them looking.
– Relevant content in sound bites; keeps them reading.
– Interactive engagement; keeps them connected.

The internet provides women with something they all desire – time flexibility. Sometimes they still want to see or touch an item before buying. But narrowing the search online has become commonplace, and women make 68% of online purchases.

Women seek out sources other than just the product or service site itself. They ask the opinions of others, use message boards and social media and reinterpret marketing messages for their own network’s use. We suggest considering women the inventors of grassroots marketing and develop strategies to support that notion.

NOTE: We acknowledge that our web site is very 2008. We’ve been so busy helping other clients that we’ve neglected our own site. Look for our brand new site to launch later this month — it’s oozing with best practices.