Reaching Women Through the Power of Social Media

Let’s face it. Women are social. We like to talk about ourselves, and we like our friends to listen to our opinions. According to a recent article by The Huffington Post, “100 Fascinating Social Media Statistics and Figures from 2012,” 85% of women are annoyed by their friends on Facebook. While it is true – our friends’ complaining, bragging or sharing unsolicited political views can be quite annoying at times – we women do find a lot of value from social media. It’s evident by the sheer number of women vs. men using each of the platforms.

Keeping up with the social media platforms (and the ever-evolving Facebook changes) can be a daunting task for marketers. If you’re a business that is marketing to women, rest assured that women are out there, and they’re begging to get engaged.

Er, with your brand!

Here are 3 ways to engage women on social media:

• Connect – Always connect with your fans and followers on a personal level before you try to sell. Remember that women are relationship-driven.

• Listen – Women want to share their opinions. Listen to what your fans and followers are saying about your brand. Let them know you hear their praise AND complaints.

• Use Visuals – One of the reasons Pinterest is so successful in reaching women is because it’s entirely visual with very little text.

One word of caution: Never start a social media channel without a strategy. Define who your customer or target audience is, and then create a strategy to reach her with your message. In my next blog entries, I’ll discuss how to choose the right platform(s) and how to integrate social media into your overall marketing strategy.