May 2, 2020

Francis Ingham joins the MsInterPReted Twitter chat to discuss ‘PR Thought Leadership in the New Era’ about the current and post COVID-19 era demands of PR leadership.  more

April 15, 2020

Alicia Aebersold – chief communications officer of the American Psychology Association – joins Kelly and Mary Beth to discuss mental wellness amid COVID-19. more

April 6, 2020

Blount Memorial Hospital CEO Don Heinemann and Assistant Administrator Connie Huffman discuss challenges and concerns of smaller communities and their health infrastructures face in the wake of COVID-19. more

April 3, 2020

On this episode, Koray Camgoz of the PRCA lends a wide-ranging view of how COVID-19 has impacted the UK and global market, and discusses the PRCA’s fast-paced, diverse response. more

April 1, 2020

Two veteran practitioners, Julia Angelen Joy and Molly McPherson join #MsInterPReted with the latest they’re witnessing from the PR front lines of the crisis. more

March 30, 2020

Employment law Attorney Chad Hatmaker of Woolf McClane joins Kelly and Mary Beth to break down the technical and strategic points of employer considerations. more

March 26, 2020

In this Twitter Chat with #MsInterPReted, @nickyregazzoni and @GeorgeBlizzard of The PR Network and PRCA’s Virtual Group Leadership discuss virtual working best practices. more

March 10, 2020

In a special edition of #MsInterPReted, Kelly and Mary Beth delve into the considerations management teams should examine when undertaking crisis preparation. more

March 4, 2020

Kelly and Mary Beth chat about #EthicsWashing and how it’s damaging the PR industry – particularly when PR industry associations are the ones doing it. more

February 28, 2020

On Wed., Feb. 26, #MsInterPReted hosted our monthly twitter chat with @laurafromaura the leader and founder of @ThePRFest to discuss “Advocating for Ethical PR.” more