Nordstrom: Empowers-it-Forward with Girls

thNordstrom has announced its first-ever private label give-back brand, Treasure&Bond, which will give 5% of its net profits to nonprofit organizations that are missioned with empowering girls and women. I love seeing such a respected retail brand making such a beautifully bold statement. Better yet, I love how a brand that is recognized for showcasing quality fashion trends is perhaps now setting a trend for other retailers to empower-it-forward with young girls and women.

Additionally, I’ve been encouraged to see a recent increase in the attention being given to supporting education for young girls. Former First Lady Laura Bush and First Lady Michelle Obama joined forces to encourage education for young women at a summit last week. Former President George W. Bush even weighed in on the topic by saying that “taking care of women is good politics.” Yes, however I would pose that it is way more than good politics.

Even the marketing world is beginning to wake up and take note. Suddenly, everyone is buzzing about the “most powerful consumer group” in referring to women and their position as the main purchasers in most homes. Of course, those of us who are women know that this is not breaking news, but we’re glad that the secret is finally being exposed. Commercials, advertising, and content are implementing themes and visuals that are evidenced to resonate with the female demographic. It’s about time.

So, we’ve got a great start, and I’m glad the conversation has begun. Now, let’s keep the momentum! As First Lady Michelle Obama stated, “You have to change attitudes before you can change behaviors. We [still] have a lot of work to do.”

Nordstrom, we applaud your new Treasure&Bond label and hope others will follow in your lovely footsteps!