My Life as an Intern

If you’ve kept up with our blog, you may have noticed a new author posting recently. That would be me, Abbigail the Intern. (*Note: I’m thinking of patenting that for my superhero alias. You’ll see why if you continuing reading.) I started interning for FletcherPR at the end of May and have had my fair share of stories to tell.

First, I’ll give you a little insight into who I am. “Abbigail the Intern” is my real-life role as of late. I have had 5 internships while studying Communications at the University of Tennessee, and I’ve become somewhat of an internship connoisseur. I started after my freshman year with Southwestern Company’s sales and leadership program. I’ve worked with web-based companies, non-profit companies, starter companies, education companies – you name it. Through it all, I’ve finally found my calling in marketing and public relations.

During the interview process with FletcherPR, I became excited about my colleagues and the atmosphere. Then on my first day, they put me right to work which I loved! I’ve gotten to work closely with everyone and had my hands on several different projects. I also create blog posts and newsletters for a lot of our clients like Knoxville Dermatology Group, Knox County Health Department and the Women’s Fund of East Tennessee. I’m even the spokesperson of a social media series for Cellular Sales.

The thing that sets my internship at FletcherPR apart from my other internships is how conscious everyone is of my learning experience. Not only do they trust me with a lot of responsibility, but they also check in to make sure that I’m learning as much as possible. I will never forget something Cheryl said to me while I was interviewing for this position. She told me that the field of public relations constantly pushes you to grow as it grows and that I should always find myself learning about writing and building relationships with other people. I’m really excited to see where the knowledge and skills I’ve learned at FletcherPR will take me in my career.