Marketing to Women Pays Off


What’s that you say? Mom bloggers want to work with PR professionals? AND there is a study to back it up? Excuse us while we do a little happy dance in our office.

Most of what we do here at FletcherPR involves marketing to women. We understand “her” voice and know what it takes to reach female consumers. In recent years, mom bloggers have emerged as a formidable force in the digital stratosphere, and we’ve adjusted our strategy to best target this niche.

According to the study, 93 percent of mom bloggers are willing to work with PR people, and they all accept samples. In addition, almost 78 percent want product for review every time to provide honest and transparent coverage. They also like to give it away to their audience, which we’ve found to be highly beneficial. Giveaways often translate into multiple posts, social media interactions and increased engagement with your brand.

If you’re thinking that working with mom bloggers is a waste of your time and your product, we encourage you to think again. Whether you specifically target women or not, we live in a digital age and mom bloggers can help generate revenue.

Oh, and one last tip – no one likes to be called “dear blogger,” so personalize those pitches.

FletcherPR is a national communications firm that specializes in reaching women through the power of media. Headquartered in Knoxville, TN with staff in Nashville & Los Angeles, we are a full-service agency providing strategic public relations, social media and marketing communications services to our clients throughout the U.S.