Marketing to Women: Bringing Meaning Back to Your Work

The workplace dynamic has changed over the past few years largely due to the economy, especially for the public relations industry. Many people feel grateful just to have a job, while others might feel too much stress trying to fulfill more than one role. So how do you bring joy and meaning back into the office? A Forbes Woman article helps us out with a few tips.

Reinforce fulfillment in all aspects of life: With the constant to-do’s in life, you can become overwhelmed and left feeling pulled in a million different directions. It is important to take time for yourself and rediscover your fulfillment in life. Whether it is taking a walk outside and admiring nature’s beauty or going out to a nice restaurant and enjoying every last bite of that sinful cheesecake, that happiness and gratification will transfer over into your professional life.

Keep in mind the end product: It can be easy to lose sight of what is important at work if everything seems like a chore and you don’t see anything come to fruition. Think in broad terms about your organization’s contributions to society (unless you work in a non-profit and can see the outcomes every day- lucky you). There is a reason for everything you are doing; it does have meaning, and you need to figure out what that is for you.

Don’t neglect relationships: Huddled down at your desk for hours isn’t good for your posture, nor is it good for your relationships. Interacting with colleagues and friends throughout the day will leave you feeling more fulfilled. Try eating lunch together or taking a small break to discuss a movie you saw last weekend or the book you can’t put down.

These tips will help you find more meaning in your workplace. You can find personal fulfillment in almost anything, just look around you and be open to receiving it. What are some ways that you find personal fulfillment at your job?

FletcherPR is a national communications firm that specializes in reaching women through the power of media. Headquartered in Knoxville, TN with staff in Nashville & Los Angeles, we are a full-service agency providing strategic public relations, social media and marketing communications services to our clients throughout the U.S.