How does color affect marketing to women?

How does color affect marketing to women?

Color is one of the most powerful branding tools due to its ability to evoke emotions across a broad spectrum of consumers. Since color can arouse different emotions, choosing the colors that resonate best with your consumer takes an educated and scientific approach. Extensive research has gone into figuring out how people react to color on an emotional and even physical level. For instance, viewing the color green will lower a person’s blood pressure.

Knowing how color effects your target demographic is the key to choosing the right color palette for your brand.

For example, women connect with color very differently from men. You might have noticed how most women can use specific terms to describe a color, like lavender, plum or eggplant to for the color purple, whereas most men would just simply say it’s purple! Women use detailed sensory words when describing a color because they connect with color more intimately and emotionally than men.

Colors play one of the most integral roles in building your brand. Since approximately 92.6 percent of people use visual cues to help make purchasing decisions, carefully choosing what colors you want to represent your business and brand will make a significant impact in your marketing strategy.