Award Winning Work from FletcherPR

We have been fortunate to work with the Knox County Health Department on two different campaigns in the last year. While very different topics and projects, both received recognition from the American Advertising Federation (AAF) at their annual Addy Awards.

Social Media Day

Social media has changed how we communicate with people and how often. From photos of our delicious breakfast to staying connected with loved ones all over.

Marketing to Women via the Power of Media

Staff from FletcherPR are at the Waldorf Towers in NYC this week meeting with jewelry and accessory editors from major magazines, websites and blogs. This effort is part of the “Jewelry For Your Life” campaign that we conceptualized and are executing for my former employer and long-time client, Jewelry Television (JTV).

What Not to Wear on Market Square

Summer brings out our creative nature. Gone are the dark, heavy clothes of winter and here to stay are the bright, fun fashions of summer. And summer has definitely arrived!