The Influence of Leading Women – Although it is no longer a fantasy to have women in upper management positions (we can personally attest to that), our society’s perception of leading women hasn’t progressed as those women have. Even some women in the leadership roles have so many stipulations before they can feel successful.
Her Voice Blog
Wishing Cellular Sales a Happy 20th Birthday
Wishing Cellular Sales a Happy 20th Birthday – This year FletcherPR client, Cellular Sales, is celebrating its 20th anniversaries. Cellular Sales, headquartered in Knoxville, has been going strong for two decades now. Keeping the doors open for 20 years is an accomplishment in and of itself, but this business hasn’t just survived, it has flourished.
Wax for the Cure
Wax for the Cure – This weekend, Knoxville’s European Wax Center is hosting a live remote and offering a promotion to help raise awareness and funds for the fight against breast cancer.
Three Reasons ‘Sparkle’ by Richard Simmons Resonates with Women
Three Reasons ‘Sparkle’ by Richard Simmons Resonates with Women – I had the pleasure of working with Richard Simmons on publicity for the recent launch of his ‘Sparkle’ by Richard Simmons jewelry collection at JTV.
Zaggora HotPants Markets Burning More Calories to Women
Zaggora HotPants Markets Burning More Calories to Women – Some say it is the hottest new trend in fitness and fashion. These HotPants claim to elevate your temperature while wearing them. It is not a new fact that the hotter you get, the more calories you burn.
4 Common Brand Messaging Mistakes by Marketers (and how to avoid them)
We market to women, and although that may seem like a small niche to reach (it’s not, read here), marketing in general can fall on deaf ears if any of these common brand messaging mistakes take place.
HelloFlo – viral campaign marketing tampons to women
Menstruation isn’t exactly the most delicate topic to discuss, whether in casual conversation or for marketers and advertisers. In advertising, we typically see euphemisms which vaguely allude to, and dance around, the matter at hand.
A FletcherPR video production: Roadtrippin’ with Cellular Sales
My Life as an Intern
If you’ve kept up with our blog, you may have noticed a new author posting recently. That would be me, Abbigail the Intern.
FletcherPR Uses Expertise and Influence to Open New Retail Concept
From budgeting advertising to managing press, European Wax Center had less than a month to build buzz surrounding its grand opening Premiere Week. Marketing to women is our expertise, and we were ready to get to work on some new ideas.