Happy Photography Day!

Visual elements have becoPhotography_BlogArt_Greenme essential to public relations and marketing efforts. According to the Boston Globe, the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Even on Facebook, photos and albums drive up to 180% more engagement than a Facebook post without imagery. And visual content is so diverse – you have infographics, graphic design elements and photography, to name a few. Since it’s Photography Day, what better time to discuss how photography can be used as a branding tool!

Photography is a great tool to show the human and cultural element of your brand. Established brands have a color palette that is part of their style guide. This style guide is a great resource to determine wardrobe, landscapes, backgrounds and overall aesthetic for your content.

It is also about creating a style of photography that is unique to a brand. Focus, angle, filters and lighting all play into making images that are unlike any others. Scientifically, we are drawn to certain imagery. There is a formula for how many people should be in an image, what angle is the most eye-catching and a million other little details that reflect brand personality. The control an art director has with a professional photographer can be a very powerful asset across any media.

*A Note about Stock Photography

Stock photography definitely has its place. It’s great for generic images, hot deadlines and low budgets. Other brands can use the same images and you don’t have as much control over the photography styles. But above all, it’s a missed opportunity to build a brand.

So here’s to all the photographers and visual content creators! Happy Photography Day!