FPR’s Abby Christensen Featured on Panel of Online Quiz Experts

Lonelybrand.com, a brand marketing blog, recently did a trend piece about online quizzes as content marketing tools. It is a great article with lots of good information for brand marketers.

Something you might have noticed is that one of the experts quoted in the piece is FletcherPR’s Abby Christensen. Abby has been doing work in content marketing, including conceptualizing, building and executing online quizzes for clients. As an expert in this realm, she provided excellent insight for this article.

Online quizzes are very popular, and they can be great for engaging customers. As Abby points out, they can be useful for connecting with consumers by emphasizing experiences over products. Internet users are savvy enough to know when they’re being sold something, so marketers must be creative to get their message across. Selling the experience of a product, rather than just the product itself, is going to resonate more with consumers than thrusting something in their face with a rundown of its features.

An online quiz can appeal to people by gathering the user’s input before presenting them with a product tailored to their preferences. This way, the product chosen feels more personal because it wasn’t just randomly picked from an inventory, but it is more of a suggestion that says “based on what you told us, we think this is what you’re looking for.”

Not to mention, online quizzes are fun, too.