Award Winning Work from FletcherPR

We have been fortunate to work with the Knox County Health Department on two different campaigns in the last year. While very different topics and projects, both received recognition from the American Advertising Federation (AAF) at their annual Addy Awards.

Let’s Talk About Sex Campaign

KCHD Addy Kathy Brown-KCHD, Kelly Fletcher-FletcherPR, Katie Larsen-KCHD

This project focused on getting parents to talk with their kids about sex. Research shows that conversation is the most influential factor in kids’ decisions regarding their sexual activity.

The campaign included an integrated marketing approach with a website, advertising, social media, PSAs, posters and media relations. The campaign actually received three different Addy’s. The website specifically received Gold, the overall campaign received Silver and the PSA received Bronze.

We continue to work with Kathy and Katie on this campaign and are pleased to help deliver this positive health message to our community. The web site really is a great resource for parents – so check it out here!

Eat Play Live

Stephanie Welch-KCHD, Michelle Moyers-KCHD

Eat Play Live is about helping people become directly involved in local food sources and active outdoor spaces to support their own healthy living. The program is funded through a diabetes prevention grant with the state and just wrapped up its second year. We targeted community leaders as well as specific neighborhoods in need of food access support.

The number of pieces developed for this campaign ventured above 30 this year and included street signs, invitations, posters, email blasts, magnets, t-shirts, door hangers, posters and the list goes on. This overall campaign received a Silver Addy.

Our food consumption and the general health of our local community is important to us at FletcherPR. It has been a great fit for us to work with Stephanie and Michelle.

Yes, FletcherPR has received other awards over the years but thought we would highlight these two as some of our recent work we are particularly proud of!