3 reasons blogger campaigns work when marketing to women

Reasons Why Blogging Works When Marketing to Women

We recently attended the BlogHER conference in New York City and were surrounded by social influencers like Gwyneth Paltrow (check out her blog, GOOP), and Christy Turlington Burns (check out her non-profit, Every Mother Counts).

In the midst of thousands of female bloggers, I was once again reminded why we spend so much time on blogger campaigns for our clients. Simply put, bloggers are often the starting point on a buyer’s journey, and the return on investment can be significant.

Here are 3 reasons why blogger campaigns are a smart strategy when it comes to marketing to women:

  1. Content Curation

Bloggers bring together meaningful content for the audiences they serve. In the business, we call it content curation. And women love it.

Think about it this way—your favorite beauty blogger (mine is The Gloss Guide by Katie Essary), has already examined, tested and recommended every beauty product known to woman. You’ve been thinking about a new skincare regimen, so you turn to her for advice and voila! She has already narrowed down skincare regimens that she recommends on her blog and saved you hours of research and self-doubt. Not only that, you trust her because you follow her blog. She shows up in your inbox and Facebook feed regularly, and she feels like a friend.

  1. Permission to Buy

I love to trot out this phrase when speaking to men about marketing to women. Permission to buy is a real phenomenon—why do you think women like to shop together? We “curate” wardrobes, home décor and jewelry for each other on a regular basis. Once again we narrow or ”curate” the choices when we shop together each time we say ”yes,“ ”no,“ or ”maybe” to a potential purchase. Bloggers give us permission to buy without ever leaving the comfort of our own homes. Many times the permission-to-buy signals are even more powerful because they’re coming from a third-party expert.

  1. Shareability

Women love to share—both online and off. Bloggers build social icons into their content making it super easy to share with our entire social media audience. We can Facebook, Pin, Tweet or Instagram it with the click of a button, thus becoming a content curator and offering permission to buy within our own inner circles.

And the cycle continues.

Content curation.

Permission to buy.


Blogger campaigns should be a consideration for every consumer-facing brand. Contact me and I’ll be happy to share how to bring your brand to life in the BlogHERsphere.